Ragazze Digitali projects demos
July, 11th 2014

Summer Camp 2014 closing day

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July, 11th 2014, from 9:30 to 12:30, at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”:
demo of the projects the girls created during the summer camp
Ragazze Digitali 2014.

July, 11th 2014 – Schedule

Ragazze Digitali | Summer Camp 2014

9:30 – 10:00 “Welcome greetings”
10:00 – 12:00 “TIM course”, teachers: Francesca Mazzoni, Riccardo Cavalieri, Cecilia Cacchione. Camp girls.
Demonstration of implemented projects.
“ADA course”, teachers: Riccardo Cavalieri, Alessandro Grandi. Camp girls. Demonstration of implemented projects.
“LISBETH course”, teachers: Fabio Pierazzi, Francesca Mazzoni, Luca Ferretti. Camp girls.
Demonstration of implemented projects.


Summer Camp Courses

“Lisbeth” course: information security through free software

“Tim” course: Web as creative power, communication and social tool

“Ada” course: the art of software creation.


LISBETH2014: Let’s secure our devices

15 work days, 6 hours a day, 90 hours of digital creativity

The “LISBETH” course aims at guiding the girls to secure their PCs and smartphones, from a proper and optimized password management, to antivirus products utilization, to Android apps permission awareness, to the backup of our important data to protect us against our devices failure/malfunctioning/loss.


TIM2014: from the idea to the implementation of a Web site

15 work days, 6 hours a day, 90 hours of digital creativity

The “TIM” course aims at guiding the girls to implement their own Web site: from the basic idea to the graphic rendering, from the Web platform implementation to the testing phase, from site publishing to site promotion through Social Networks.


ADA2014: from the idea to the implementation of a Smartphone videogame

15 work days, 6 hours a day, 90 hours of digital creativity

The “ADA” course course aims at guiding the girls to implement their own Smartphone videogame: from the idea to the prototype, from the analisys of all the game phases to the development of the underlying code, from the development of graphic and audio components to the implementation of the whole game

Girls Projects

For a smart female future

10:00 – 10:10
– TIM Projects demo

10:10 – 10:20
– “Cronostoria Ragazze Digitali” Web site demo (1st TIM group)
Title: “Cron(i/o)storia di Ragazze Digitali” Web site
Subtitle: Web site about TIM project and Ragazze Digitali Summer Camp
Members/Tasks: Elisabetta Pagliuca= graphics, revision Francesca Ierardi= polls/journalism; Laura Valentini= contents/editor; Daniela Marchesini= contents/editor; Martina Stancari= support
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014cronostoria.wordpress.com/

10:20 – 10:30
– ADA project support site demo (2nd TIM group)
Title: “Progetto ADA 2014” Web site
Subtitle: Web site about ADA course
Members/Tasks: Galliani Giorgia= support, Federica Grandi= graphics, Alice Fachin= contents/editor, Cristina Simagina= contents/editor
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014ada.altervista.org/

10:30 – 10:40
– ADA Projects demo
– ADA groups (videogames demos)

10:40 – 10:50
– 1st ADA GROUP:
Title: “Save The Pig”
Subtitle: Save the falling piglets.
Members/Tasks:Paola Scodino, Ludovica Casolari, Nicole Manzini, Giulia Grandi, Monica Chiriac
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014ada.altervista.org/videogiochi/save-the-pig/

10:50 – 11:00
Title: “Happy Fish”
Subtitle: The little fish has to avoid obstacles through its path.
Members/Tasks:Simona Gualtieri, Laura Pavirani, Elena Incerti, Chiara Venturelli, Angela Sikorski
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014ada.altervista.org/videogiochi/happy-fish/

11:00 – 11:10
Title: “Hunting Poseidon”
Subtitle: Find the right fish
Members/Tasks: Chiara Carpani= programmer, Giulia Mancuso= programmer, Chiara Fruncillo= graphics, Francesca Tranquilli= graphics, Greta Anceschi= graphics, Marianna Campanardi= graphics
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014ada.altervista.org/videogiochi/hunting-poseidon/

11:10 – 11:20
Title: “Let’s Sport”
Subtitle: Platform with three sport games.
Members/Tasks: Maria Carrabs= graphics, Eleonora Carletti= programmer, Giorgia Gibellini= graphics
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014ada.altervista.org/videogiochi/lets-sport/

11:20 – 11:30
Title: “Moscerino Adventure”
Subtitle: Stack the gnats one on the other without spiders in between that end the game. The more the stack is high, the more the gnats fall quickly
Members/Tasks: Chiara Cappon= audio, Chiara D’Silvia= graphics, Elena Brugnoli= programmer
LINK: http://ragazzedigitali2014ada.altervista.org/videogiochi/moscerino-adventure/

11:30 – 11:40
– LISBETH project support site demo (3rd TIM group)

Title: “Progetto LISBETH 2014” Web site
Subtitle: Web site about LISBETH course
Members/Tasks: Sara Sandoni= reporter/photography, Alice Righi= editor, Katia Marchesini= editor, Lucia Gualdi= graphics
LINK: http://progettolisbeth2014.wordpress.com/

11:40 – 11:50
– LISBETH project demo (All LISBETH girls)

11:50 – 12:00
Title: “Social Network information security and privacy”
Subtitle: Let us share what we learnt for a better awareness when using Internet and Social Networks”
Members/Tasks: Giorgia Gatti, Sara Scarano, Ylenia Grasso, Giorgia Ghermandi, Silvia Grassi, Runxue Lin, Otilia, Asmaa
LINK: http://progettolisbeth2014.wordpress.com/

Thank you to all the people who took part in the

Ragazze Digitali 2014 Summer Camp